Brand identity for a small, independent wine importer based in Taiwan. Frutie strives to import natural wines that are highly producer-driven and expressive of the grapes and land they are cultivated on.

The founding mission for Frutie is to bring wines that are honest, transparent, and ultimately producer-driven to the people of Taiwan. While also focusing on bringing fun and easy-going wines that allow people to not only enjoy and appreciate wine, but also the company of one another.

With that in mind, the brand is crafted with a straightforward and minimal approach, while still maintaining a natural and humanistic touch to everything.

Producer “specsheets” designed to showcase different winemakers by telling their beliefs and approaches to wine, along with in-depth details of wines that are imported and offered by Frutie. These documents are usually presented to distributers and wholesale wine buyers.

Following the look and feel of the brand, the business card provides the necessary information in both English and Chinese to accommodate the use in Asian and European regions.

Due to Taiwanese import laws, importers are required to apply individual labels containing various information about the product in Chinese.

The challenge was to design a labelling system that accommodates two languages and has the flexibility for future content.